Monday, December 2, 2013

Occupy & vote!


Let’s just say, as one potential possibility, that the Occupy Movement generally stands for real freedom, justice, equality, economic/ecological sustainability, and participatory democracy throughout all levels of government, federal to local!
     And I believe [thoughts/feelings/values] it might be helpful to set five major priorites and as many smaller priorities as we desire.  For instance, utilizing open space land at the city/local level to create self-sufficient/sustainable farming – as Detroit and other cites are doing, is a perfect example.  Building resiliency at the local/bioregional level is a lesser, but still important priority than 100 percent Renewable Energy Revolution, because no one can eat, drink, breathe, or burn resiliency.  One hundred percent renewable energy equals survival and sustainability. And, the more water, food, and manufactured goods we produce at the local/bioregional level, the more self-sufficient we’ll all be.  That’s a good thing!
     In its effort to destroy the Occupy Movement, our corporately owned mainstream press claims that we are nothing but a bunch of ragtag hippies,  socialists, commies, unemployed, homeless malcontents who don’t stand for any specific goals.  Having lived at Zoucotti Park in NYC for seven weeks, I couldn’t disagree more.  Here’s five specific, outstanding goals of the Occupy Movement:
[1] Because my investigative journalism informs me [read “Requiem For A Species” by Clive Hamilton] that we have already passed an ecological “tipping-point” and are clearly now headed for a colossal double crash – ecological and economic – therefore, we must make our world economy ecologically sustainable and much more equitable;
[2] We the People must rise up en masse and insist that our Congress pass critically needed, significant legislation to stop and reduce poisonous GHG emissions while re-growing millions of acres of forests every year to sequester out existing toxic CO2 that stays in the atmosphere for hundreds of years;
[3] We the People must demand of our federal, state, and local governments that they build a 100% Renewable Energy Revolution, utilizing $300 billion from our egregiously bloated military-industrial-Congressional-complex to fuel all American corporations to build as many wind, solar, and geothermal plants as fast as possible while creating tens of millions of new “green” jobs.  All of our American people can focus on building the 100% Renewable Energy Revolution at the local/bioregional level too.  Global-Warming-Burning affects us all;
 [4] Get bills for single-payer health care and public education passed by Congress;
[5] Our two-party oligarchy is clearly rotten to the core, unhealthy, and highly dysfunctional – “the best democracy money can buy”!  Occupy must lead a national movement to elect a majority of Independents to Congress, the legislative branch.  We can all register with the National Citizens’ Initiative For Democracy led by former senator Mike Gravel [].  Passage of this national referendum would allow the citizens of America to pass several laws of their own choosing each year by majority vote…the first time in 236 years that We the People will actually have any real direct democracy.
      Occupy must also lead a national movement this year by encouraging all Americans to vote for “None-of-the-Above” by taking a magic marker with you to the national polls in November.  If we don’t stand-up for real participatory democracy and an open, honest system now, our rotten 1 percent government will remain rotten and unchanged.  Ben Franklin said: “The government you get is the government you deserve!” If you want significant change, then you must be willing to make a sacrifice to help create it.  Stop wasting your vote for the two-party oligarchy by voting for demented Democrats and repugnant Republicans. The Revolutionary War was fought so we could be free and independent.  If you want a more sane, caring, equitable government, vote Independent!
      If millions of Americans have the courage to write NONE-OF THE-ABOVE on their ballots, our message to the 1 percent elite will be loud and clear:  Start listening to We the People and voting accordingly, or we will re-place you with representatives who truly represent our desires.  This year, vote INDEPENDENT!

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